Tormented Souls - The Monkey Thief Puzzle

What is the monkey thief solution

Game Guide by Grayshadow on  Aug 27, 2021

After obtaining the scroll from the monkey statue and the hammer from the same timeline, located in the next room, you'll need to head back to the current timeline. After heading through a series of doors, you'll eventually make it to Room 2D, and by the windows, a podium where you can place the scroll.

Here's the correct solution to The Monkey Thief.

Tormented Souls, NoobFeed

The image above shows what the wooden blocks should look like. Once done, use the hammer like a gavel, and a staple gun will appear. Make sure to interact with it and power it up by interacting with the dial on the back of the gun. Use it to repair the mannequin's arm in the other timeline to save the father.

Also, check our Tormented Souls Review and other guides below:

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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