Metal Slug X Coming to Steam This October

SNK's Metal Slug X coming to Steam this October.

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 09, 2014

Looking for a challenge that can only be found playing retro games? Well rejoice, Metal Slug X, SNK’s iconic run and gun action shooter, is making a triumphant return on Steam. This 2D shooter supports no regenerating health and hundreds of bullets flying everywhere - only one hit and you’re dead.

First released on the PlayStation in 2001, Metal Slug X will have players taking control of Marco, Tarma, Eri and Fio as they slaughter hundreds of enemies and stop the evil General Mordem who has now recruited aliens to his cause. If you played Metal Slug 3 than you already know the story isn't important, it's the mass carnage on screen and destruction of everything who opposes you.

Metal Slug X,Noobfeed,SNK,Steam,PlayStation,PlayStation 3,Vita,

The game will include all six missions from the original game, a mission mode, cooperative online play and leaderboards. 

Metal Slug X will release on October 2 on Steam and those who pre-order before it's released will receive a 25% discount. If you cannot wait for Metal Slug X on Steam don't worry, it's available for download on the Sony Entertainment Network for PS3, PSP and PS Vita right now.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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