NBA 2K17 News Update Report

As the release of NBA 2K17 is officially announced, we take a look at some of the important and exciting news released by 2K Sports.

News by JoshHodson on  May 06, 2016

The latest game of the NBA 2K series is upon us, with a current release date as September. Since being announced only two weeks ago after Kobe Bryant’s last NBA game, there have already been several updates and knowledge released regarding the number one rated sports video game simulation for the last 15 years. The biggest reveal being the special edition version completely dedicated to Kobe Bryant, for $20 more than the standard version; the Legend Edition is reportedly available for $79.99, according to the Gospel Herald.

NBA 2K17,Update,Release Date,Screenshot

The perks of the Legend Edition include such physical items as a “Black Mamba” limited edition poster, two special Panini trading cards and a Kobe Bryant featured “Black Mamba” controller skin. In addition to these, the Legend Edition provides such in-game items as 30 000 worth of NBA 2K Virtual Currency, Nike Kobe XI Shoes, MyTEAM Bundle including 3 packs with guaranteed Kobe Free Agent card a #8 Kobe Mitchell & Ness Jersey and a hooded Kobe jacket.

There is always tremendous excitement for NBA 2K, however this latest edition will very likely gain even more attention and hype than previous editions due to the ever improving nature of the game and a highly detailed career mode for NBA2K16, directed by Spike Lee which, can be assumed, the developers are excited to try advance even more.

NBA 2K17 is set to release for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on September 2016, it remains unknown whether 2K Sports plans to release it on Xbox 360 and PS3.

Joshua Mark Hodson, NoobFeed

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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