Evolve Stage 2 Gets a New Medic Class

A new challenger approaches

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 04, 2016

Evolve Stage 2 is getting a new Medic, Quantum Caira.

Quantum Caira,NoobFeed,Evolve,

Using her new quantum abilities this version of Caira focuses more on barriers than healing.

Proton Field – A zone that deals damage over time to enemies. Can stack multiple fields. Regeneration Field – A Generyst™ zone that heals Hunters. Can stack multiple fields. Neutron Barrier – A short damage-resistance buff for all nearby Hunters. 
Generyst II Field: An area that heals Hunters and damages Monsters for the duration of the effect.

Evolve is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. With the PC version free-to-play.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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