Gears of War 4 Will Feature Guardian Mode, Not Wingman, at Launch

A new "Seriously" achievement has been added to Gears of War 4, get ready for a new level of hell

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 13, 2016

For someone who's played a Gears of War game three things immediately come to mind: lancer, locust, and finally the 'Seriously' achievement.

Gears of War 4,NoobFeed,The Coalition,

During a livestream today Community Manager of The Coalition, Liam Ashley, and eSports Producer of Gears of War 4, Jack Felling, revealed a lot of new information regarding Gears of War 4's multiplayer, modes, weapons, and achievements.

- Guardian mode will return.
- Wingman won't be available at launch (Popular patch in later).
- Event-rated and community-related exclusive skins for weapons.
- Team-branded skins confirmed
- The Developer Playlist, included for those who purchase the season pass, allows first access to map previews, special events, and different settings.
- "Seriously..." achievement will return.
- Weapon skins earned in Gears of War: Ultimate Edition won't carry over.
- Inventory allows you to collect cards, dismantle cards to obtain currency called 'scrap' that can be used to create new cards.
- Retro Lancer won't be a starting weapon anymore but instead a pick-up weapon. It won't fire the same way like in Gears of War 3 and will instead function as a mid-range weapon.
- Locust won't be available at launch for multiplayer (Most likely DLC).
- Wall cancelling now has an increase delay.

Recently The Coalition released a new trailer highlighting veteran Marcus Fenix leading his son's team into battle and a new pre-order bonus.

Gears of War 4 launches on Xbox One and Windows 10 October 11th and will be the first game to feature Microsoft's crossplay feature. Those who pre-order the digital Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition can play the game early on October 7th. Pre-order the game will also net you every previously released Gears of War game.

Source: Twitch

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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