Oculus Rift Can Stream Xbox One Games Starting December 12th

Stream using your Oculus Rift

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 24, 2016

Microsoft confirmed that a new application is being developed that will allow Oculus Rift owners to stream their Xbox One games to the VR headset.

Xbox One Oculus Rift,noobfeed,

The program will go live December 12th and will allow Xbox One's video output to be streamed straight into the headset. Three options will be available, Retreat, Dome, and Citadel.

One misconception that should be clear is that this isn't a VR experience. This option simply displays a virtual screen within the setting of your choice. Microsoft has noted that they plan to make Xbox 360 backwards compatible games and indie games available in 2017.

Source: Xbox

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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