Halo Wars 2 Beta Stats Released

A lot of data regarding the Halo Wars 2 Beta is now available for everyone to see

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 05, 2017

Microsoft shared the latest details regarding the Halo Wars 2 beta, which ran from June 13 until June 22nd. 

Halo Wars 2,NoobFeed,Microsoft,Stats,

Together players:

$831 trillion medical and repair bills from healing power
80,468,490 units vanquished
Shortest deathmatch Round of 6 minutes 29 seconds
Longest Deathmatch Win of 6 minutes 29 seconds
Played for 72,245,130
2,038,837km Brute Jump Units Travelled
Most Destructive Leader Power UNSC Lotus Mines 993,058 Uses
318,107 Hijacks
UNSC win 49.2%
Banished win 50.8%

The second beta which ran closer to the game's launch was available for Windows 10 and Xbox one. 

Halo Wars 2 launches on February 21st for Xbox One and Windows 10.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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