Shadow of the Tomb Raider Concept Art Reveals Story Details

What has Lara gotten herself into this time?

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 27, 2018

After being confirmed last month, Square Enix and Eidos Montreal have provided the first set of information regarding Shadow of the Tomb Raider with a new cinematic trailer, special edition versions of the game, and now a combination of screenshots and concept art.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,

According to the developers, Shadow of the Tomb Raider takes place in Central America as Lara attempts to stop the Mayan apocalypse. This involves raiding tombs, killing members of Trinity, and more. The developers also teased that this will make Lara into what she has been "destined to be".

Several screenshots, seen below, and concept art has been provided to showcase what players can expect from the adventure. Highlighting underwater exploration, using her bow, and climbing.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is will launch on September 14th for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,Shadow of the Tomb Raider,Edios Montreal,Square Enix,

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Adam Siddiqui

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