Gears of War 4 Update Adds New Quitting Penalties
New updates adds greater penalties for quitters in Gears of War 4
News by Grayshadow on May 25, 2018
Gears of War 4 is getting a new update tomorrow. The update will add new Griffen weapons, Griffin himself for monetary-purchase, and more.
The biggest change comes from the new Ranked Play quitting penalties. The new system is to benefit players for long-term positive behavior such as finishing players and not leaving.
Finishing a match from start to finish will increase your reliability rating
Dropping or leaving a match BUT rejoining will decrease your reliability rating slightly. The impact to your rating can be negated by finishing your next match in full
If you leave a match and do not return, you will negatively impact your reliability rating. This decrease is more significant than the increase of completing a full single match.
In addition, players who constantly quit, dropping their Ranked Reliance Rating, XP penalties will be added. The first being 15,000 XP followed by 30,000 XP, with any future quitting done during the debt being active will reset the entire process.
On a positive note, Beast Rider, Kantus, Savage Kantus, and Myrrah will be craftable in the May Series 3 drop.
Gears of War 4 is now available for Xbox One and Windows 10.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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