Atlantic Division Wins the First Overwatch League All-Star Tournament

Overwatch All-Star Tournament ends with Atlantic Division winning

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 27, 2018

This weekend was the Overwatch League All-Star Weekend. With hours of competition from some of the greatest players in the game, the tournament ended with the Atlantic Division claiming victory over the Pacific Division 4-1.


Unlike the main competition that ended with London Spitfire earning the first victory in Overwatch League history this competition consisting of the best players taking more uncommon team compositions of All-Star players. Matches mixed together not only traditional matches but also Lucioball and 1v1 Widowmaker duels.

The Pacific Division led with victories in the 1v1 Widowmaker matches and Lockout Elimination fights but The Atlantic Division won the Lucioball and Mystery Heroes matches.

Considering that the tournament drew in over 100,000 viewers per day these off-season tournaments could become a popular alternative while players wait for the next season of the Overwatch League.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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