Dynasty Warriors: Origins Guide | How to Farm Skill Points

Here’s how you can farm Skill Points easily in Dynasty Warriors: Origins with a little grinding.

Game Guide by Joyramen on  Jan 17, 2025

Skill points tend to become one of the most valuable items in Dynasty Warriors: Origins, which rely on unlocking a skill or improving the overall combat performance of a player character. 

A good way to farm skill points will definitely mean a lot in one's gameplay experience, particularly if the aim is to reach the maximum potential in the shortest possible time. This guide will explain an effective way to farm skill points that will get you well on your way without the needless grind.

How to Farm Skill Points

Dynasty Warrior: Origins, PC, Gameplay, How to Farm Skill Points, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Probably the best advice on how to farm skill points is to look for a Skirmish with the primary focus of clearing enemies. Such Skirmishes are great for skill point farming since your focus should not be on losing. 

The only way to win your skirmish is by defeating the Officers, but you don't want to engage them for this method; rather, try just taking down their Soldiers, as they will continue respawning as long as the officers are alive.

Dynasty Warrior: Origins, PC, Gameplay, How to Farm Skill Points, Screenshot, NoobFeed

You get 3 skill points every time you kill 100 soldiers. To get this done quickly, use a weapon like a spear, which is good at fighting multiple enemies at once. You can also use this fight to max out your weapons or complete training challenges for even more skill points.

You can get around 55 skill points if, in a single session, you play for just 5 minutes and kill over 1,600 soldiers. That's about 10 skill points per minute that you play this way.

By following this strategy, you’ll not only farm skill points efficiently but also improve your character and weaponry. With enough practice, you’ll be able to make significant progress in the game and take on tougher challenges with ease.

Also, check our DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS Review and other guides below:

Joy Rahman

Editor, NoobFeed

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