Zone of the Enders HD Collection Now Backward Compatible with Xbox One

Replay Hideo Kojima's cult classic on Xbox One now

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 13, 2018

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner M∀RS releases on PS4 and PC exclusively but those on Xbox One won't be left in the dark. Gamers who own the Zone of the Enders HD collection on Xbox 360 can now play it on Xbox One.

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Those who own both a digital and physical copy of the game can access all its content as of now.

Zone of the Enders HD Collection released back in 2012 for Xbox 360 and PS3. It included a demo for the acclaimed title Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and featured both Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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