Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Snow Villiers Joins Dissidia Final Fantasy NT

Snow Villiers joins Dissidia Final Fantasy NT

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 29, 2019

Square Enix is continuing their update for Dissidia Final Fantasy NT with a brand new character joining the roster, Snow Villiers from the Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT,NoobFeed,Snow Villiers,

This version of Snow is much more powerful and will be designed from this version of the game, complete with his Cie'th powers and demon arm. Snow will join the arcade version of the game this January 30th but console versions will get this sometime this February 2019.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is now available for PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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