Street Fighter V Won't Support PS4 Controllers on PC Soon, Shift to Steam's Native Controller Support
Inconvenience Street Fighter V update coming soon
News by Grayshadow on Feb 26, 2019
Street Fighter V players on PC are in for some upsetting news, at least if you use a PS4 controller. Capcom's next update will drop support for the PS4 Controller unless you use Steam's native support.
Players will need to reconfigure their controller using Steam. This involves following a few instructions outlined by Capcom:
1. Confirm that STREET FIGHTER V is not running.
2. Log in to your Steam client and select either "Steam" or "View" from the upper left corner. Then, go to "Settings" > "Controller."
3. When the controller settings window displays, select "General Controller Settings," looking to the bottom of the window for the detected controllers notification. Confirm it lists the name of your PC, as well as any USB controllers currently in use.
4. Fill in the check boxes for the settings that apply to the currently connected controller types.
This isn't the worst situation since gamers can still use the PS4 controller but will need to go through more hoops to do so.
Street Fighter V is now available for PS4 and PC. Read our review here.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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