BioWare Releasing Character Designs for Dragon Age: Inquisition

Look at Morrigan's beauty

News by Grayshadow on  Feb 03, 2014

Community Manager Jessica Merizan has announced that BioWare will be releasing high-resolution character designs from Dragon Age: Inquisition for their fans. According to the post Merizan explained "So it's with great pleasure that I announce an initiative that has been a long time in development, a project of passion for quite a few departments within BioWare. We want to give fan artisits-cosplayers, illustrators, painters, writers, cake decorators, everyone-access to detailed, descriptive, high resolution character designs before the game is released".

Dragon Age,Inquisition,EA,BioWare,Morrigan

These will be available for print and the first is a Character Kit of Morrigan in a ball gown. No information of who else will be released, but those seeking to express their devotion to the Dragon Age franchise have official sources to draw from now.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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