Capcom Promises to Communicate More with Street Fighter V Community
Capcom promises better communication with community
News by Grayshadow on Jun 03, 2016
Street Fighter V has had a rough time since launching, with little offline content and online performance issues. Content scheduled to launch has missed its deadline and fans have uncovered what seems to be input lag on the PS4 versions of the game.
Capcom has not been communicating, and they are aware of this.
"Hey everyone! We know all of you have been very patient waiting for new information surrounding Street Fighter V. Over the past few months, there have been a lot of questions coming our way surrounding upcoming content around the game and the current state of the development roadmap.
We’ll be the first to admit that we can improve our communication with the community, in terms of where our priorities lie around the game and status updates. We plan to change that in the coming weeks and months and will work to quickly address topics that come up in the community as best we can." Capcom's Neidel Crisan wrote.
Capcom emphasizes that future content may face a similar delay but that they're focusing on quality, but promise to be more "transparent" to ensure fans know what to expect.
Capcom also noted that since launch they've brought down the number of players who've disconnected from matches by 60%. For those who don't know when Street Fighter V launched players were able to disconnect from matches without facing a plenty, allowing them to maintain their win record.
Street Fighter V is now available for PS4 and PC.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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