Capcom Reveals Upcoming Updates For Street Fighter V Including New Characters

New characters coming to Street Fighter V

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 06, 2020

Street Fighter V has seen a massive update since its original launch. When the title launched it was heavily criticized with its many issues and lack of content. Now the title is regarded as one of the best fighting games available, with Capcom continuing support for the title with new updates coming throughout 2020 and 2021.

Street Fighter V,NoobFeed,Capcom,

The biggest additions include new characters Dan, Rose, Oro, Akira, and 1 yet to be revealed character.

A mainstay from the Street Fighter Alpha series and last appearing in Street Fighter IV, Dan Hibiki will be bringing his (over) confidence and iconic “Taunt” to Street Fighter V. A training partner of Ryu and Ken, Dan considers himself well-equipped to “school” other players with his unique Saikyo-ryu (“Strongest Style”) fighting style. Release timing: Winter 2020
Rose is a fortune telling fan-favorite character who also previously starred in the Alpha series and Street Fighter IV. Using her tarot cards, Rose will arrive armed with a variety of unique special moves and plans to channel all of her Soul Power energy into Street Fighter V. Release timing: Spring 2021
Last appearing in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Oro is an ancient martial arts master who exists as an immortal hermit. He restricts one of his arms from use in order to give his opponents an advantage, but that won’t stop Oro from being one of the most well-trained and powerful fighters in Street Fighter V. Release timing: Summer 2021
First introduced in Capcom’s 1997 fighting game Rival Schools: United by Fate, Akira Kazama is preparing to make her Street Fighter debut. As an acquaintance of Sakura, Akira has previous ties to the Street Fighter universe and is gearing up to bring her biker style look and clever gimmicks to Street Fighter V. Release timing: Summer 2021

In addition, Capcom stated they're bringing new costumes and 4 new stages. Including a Rose Stage this Spring 2021, Akira Stage in Summer 2021, and 2 Capcom Pro Tour for Winter 2020 and Fall 2021. New balance mechanics will be introduced this Winter 2020 based on fan feedback.

Street Fighter V is now available for PS4 and PC.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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