Chasm Coming to Xbox One Next Week

PS4 and PC exclusive Chasm coming to Xbox One

News by Grayshadow on  Nov 02, 2018

Chasm, the indie Metroidvania rouge-like adventure, that launched this year after a long development will now arrive on Xbox One this November 9th.

Chasm,Xbox One,PC,NoobFeed,

Hey @Xbox fans! We're happy to announce that Chasm is coming to the Xbox One on November 9th!

— CHASM (@ChasmGame) November 2, 2018

Chasm is a procedurally-generated platform adventure title. Each new playthrough generates a new layout that the player must navigate to save all the people inside and defeat the bosses within.

Chasm is now available for PC and PS4. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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