Dead Space Remake Guide | All Chapter 7 Collectibles Locations

A guide on how to find all the collectibles in Chapter 7 of Dead Space Remake.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Feb 28, 2025

Dead Space's Chapter 7 brings you well into the Mining Deck, a dangerous stretch dotted with environmental hazards, necromorphs, and priceless artifacts. This guide will enable you to find all logs, schematics, weapon upgrades, and nodes so that your playthrough over this chapter does not ignore anything extremely vital.

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Log #1: Ore Storage Report (Premeditated Malpractice Quest Item)

As soon as you are on the mining deck, start walking forward toward your first door. To the left of the wall is a crate storing logs. After using Kinesis to remove the boxes obstructing the path, get the Ore Storage Report.

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Log #2: Miner's Log

Take the elevator down Deck C. Laser traps can be found here. Move carefully ahead after blocking the beams with a box. Remove the boxes, then proceed down the hall instead of following the correct way into the next chamber. The Miner's Log is close to a workstation.

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Log #3: Miner's Progress

Slot a power plug you find in the same room as the Miner's Log. This activates a small lift into motion. Ride it to the mining control room. It's a place you will visit several times. The first arrival immediately exposes the Miner's Progress record.

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Log #4: Dr. Kyne's Hostage

Visit Deck B, where there is a gathering of Necromorphs. Clear them and then travel in the appropriate direction till you come to a save point on the wall. You will come across Dr. Kyne's Hostage log just past the closed door near the save point. The locked room also contains a node and a Contact Energy schematic.

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Schematic: Contact Energy

Shoot the fuse over the wall to unlock the room where you discovered Dr. Kyne's Hostage log. First, choose the Contact Energy schematic from the middle of the room's table, and then pick the node off the wall.

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Log #5: Supervisor's Choice

Advance the narrative line until you come upon a large region requiring four structures to be demolished. Clear them out and then turn on the switch in the opposite corner to reach the mineral processing control room. You'll find Supervisor's Choice here, along with a Security Clearance Level 3 upgrade.

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Log #6: Nicole and Dr. Kyne (Scientific Methods Quest Item)

Once in Deck D, locate the section on Secure Storage. Unlock the doors one by one with the circuit breaker. Storage 2 has the Nicole and Dr. Kyne log, which is necessary for the side mission on Scientific Methods.

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Log #7: Thank You, Isaac

Within the same Secure Storage area, Storage 2 has another log: Thank You, Isaac found right behind the first log.

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Schematic: Intermediate Miner Rig

Continue the story until you come across Nicole. You will sadly be separated once more. Proceed next to the room where you find the beacon. The Intermediate Miner Rig idea closes nearby and boosts your inventory capacity.

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Node and Weapon Upgrade: Macroliter Fuel Tank

Left from the beacon room, ride the elevator. Turn right and locate a node on the wall after leaving via the next door. Turn Zero-G mode on with the circuit breaker, then. Fly downward into a hidden room on the left side. Inside, you'll find another node and the Macroliter Fuel Tank weapon upgrade for the flamethrower.

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Final Node (Storage Room)

Backtrack to the workshop room—which also has a store. If you have Security Clearance Level 3, revisit the storage room in Deck C to grab the final node.

Also, check our Dead Space Remake Review and other guides below:

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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