Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Guide | Hans Capon Romance

Regardless of whether you find him infuriating or lovely, Hans Capon remains one of the funniest characters to romance

Game Guide by Arne on  Feb 28, 2025

Henry and Hans have had an amazing transformation in their relationship in the first game. Where you go from calling each other names to being great friends. Especially with its DLC that added quests regarding Capon, you basically become best buds. In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Henry and Hans basically go through the thick of it, becoming even closer companions. 

Now, in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you have the chance to develop that relationship even further and take it to new heights. This guide will go over how you can romance Hans Capon in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Romance, Guide, Hans Capon, Gameplay, NoobFeed

Romancing Hans Capon

The main form of romancing Capon comes through the various options you'll get, where you have a heart 'romance' icon pop up on the right side of a dialogue option. Aside from this, you'll also get many chances to maintain a pleasant relationship with Hans and improve your Reputation with him. Choosing these is for the best, while picking the romance options is basically necessary.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

The first opportunity will come when you save Hans from being hanged in For Whom the Bell Tolls. This also boosts his Reputation, but more importantly, after the cutscenes end, you'll basically start speaking to Hans. Here, you can pick one of the dialogue options marked by the romance symbol. So, respond with "I care about you".

Taking French Leave

The next opportunity comes with Taking French Leave, where you rescue Hans once more and get to his 'Jail' for the first time. You will enter a dialogue scene, where, eventually, you'll enter into an argument about how you should escape. Respond with, "We'll manage it together".

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Romance, Guide, Hans Capon, Gameplay, NoobFeed

The Italian Job

This one is a bit harder to miss and requires some build-up to it. When you complete the main objectives of the first part of the Italian Job, where you rescue the nobles and gain access to the mint, you will be tasked with talking to Zizka.

Before you do, speak with Hans. You will find him if you make your way towards Zizka, and also make sure to speak to Hans before you speak to Zizka. While speaking with him, respond with:

  • We spend too little time together
  • Will you come through the underground with us
  • I'm more concerned about you

The next part is also missable, and it comes near the end of the Italian Job. Once you find yourself back in the underground tunnel, you'll be finding your way out, and while doing that, you will find all the other characters who have come with you so far. You can speak with them, and you have to speak with Hans when you find him. Respond with:

  • You overcame your fear
  • So, you're alright?
  • I care about you

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Romance, Guide, Hans Capon, Gameplay, NoobFeed

Hunger and Despair

You will not get any more opportunities after the Italian Job until you come to Hunger and Despair. It is simple now; you will be tasked with going on a dangerous mission during this main quest, and you can talk to your companions before you head out. Find Hans and talk to him, exhaust all options before picking "Kiss him." This initiates a cutscene, and you have finally gotten to your Romance Scene with him.

Note that this is mutually exclusive to Katherine's romance scene, so you can only pick one of them.

Also, check our Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Review and other guides below:

Mezbah Turzo

Editor, NoobFeed

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