Diablo 4 Requires Double Amounts of Space Than The Beta Version

No need to question the high space requirements, we got used to it at this point.

News by AtillaTuran on  Apr 27, 2023

A few months ago, the famous RPG series’ new title, Diablo 4, had a beta test among the fans of the franchise and the newcomers. Although the feedback was a completely lackluster and below expectations, there were quite hefty amounts of people who still rooted and supported what awaited them in the upcoming release to both consoles and the PC.

With new gameplay mechanics and storyline, the new installment of Diablo will certainly draw the attention of the every RPG fan, especially if they are looking for some sort of a comeback of a well-renowned classic. Recently, series’ publisher and developer, Blizzard Entertainment, shared the most anticipated information about Diablo 4 and that is, of course, the system requirements.

Diablo 4, Blizzard, PC Requirements, Final Version, Beta Test, NoobFeed

The good news is that pretty much any PC that was built in the past 10 years, with gaming in mind, will be able to run Diablo 4 in at least minimum settings. However, as per usual, if you want to experience Diablo in its high-definition glory, you need to have a PC with today’s standards. It will require some heavy runners such as 3060/6800XT graphic cards, respectively and RAM chipsets up to 32 gigs with the last generation of CPUs.

While looking at the specs, we spotted a pink elephant sitting nicely in the corner of the room. It is usually something people dismiss, but with recent PC ports and new AAA titles, it is starting to become a norm. High space requirements are a bane for anyone with a slow internet connection or people having a hard time trying to fit all of their games in their abysmally small storage, and unfortunately, Diablo 4 is no stranger to this phenomenon by the looks of it. While the public beta version of Diablo 4 had a reasonable 45 GB of space required, the full version in all requirements has at least 90 GB of space needed. We assume that this 100 percent increase in the game size is related to bug fixes and additional content that will be shipped with the release of Diablo 4.

Atilla Turan
Editor, NoobFeed

Atilla Turan

Editor, NoobFeed

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