Dragon Age Creative Director Leaves BioWare After 14 Years
Dragon Age Creative Director Leaves, hopefully this doesn't spell doom for the franchise
News by Grayshadow on Oct 14, 2017
BioWare has lost several employees key to the Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchise over the years and now one more has joined the list. BioWare's senior creative director, Mike Laidlaw, confirmed that he will be leaving the company after working there for 14 years.
On Twitter Laidlaw stated:
It's with a mix of emotions that I'm announcing my time with BioWare has ended. After 14 years and a chance to work on Jade Empire, Mass Effect and all things Dragon Age it's time for me to move on." Laidlaw added that he appreciated the time spent at the company and working with the "most talented and hardworking people in the industry".
Laidlaw was an integral part of the Dragon Age franchise and many fans have concerns if this will affect the quality of the next game. Given what happened to Mass Effect: Andromeda perhaps these concerns are valid.
Dragon Age III: Inquisition, the latest game in the franchise, is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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