Dragon Age Next Installment Teased With The Dread Wolf Rises

The Dread Wolf Rises in the next Dragon Age

News by Grayshadow on  Dec 07, 2018

Dragon Age III: Inquisition ended with a massive cliffhanger and fans have been asking BioWare about the next installment. After years of asking BioWare has responded with "The Dread Wolf Rises".

Dragon Age 4,NoobFeed,

The announcement was made during The Game Awards 2018 with a 60-second video showing off several graphic images and ending with the hashtag The Dread Wolf Rises.

After the trailer’s debut at The Game Awards, BioWare posted a new message on their official site that confirmed the project is indeed related to Dragon Age. Even though this post also didn’t reveal much, the following statement was shared:

“While we won’t be sharing any details for now, I can tell you we have been building a new team around a core of Dragon Age veterans, people I’ve worked with on Dragon AgeJade Empire, and some of whom I’ve worked with since the Baldur’s Gate days.”

For those who are unaware the Dread Wolf was a character constantly mentioned throughout the previous game. While never shown a hint of the god-like being was teased at the end of the main campaign.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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