Dying Light 2 Stay Human Episode 5 Reveals New Gameplay

The latest build of Dying Light 2 revealed

News by Grayshadow on  Dec 02, 2021

Today Techland revealed new gameplay for Dying Light 2 Sta Human in the fifth episode of Dying 2 Know. Opening with the Quest A Place to Call Home.

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The mission opens with power being restored to the city but the celebration is cut short when the power ends. Aiden is given access to the paraglider immediately and allows the nimble warrior to travel the world. Similar to Far Cry 4 the player is given access to the item quickly for better mobility.

The glider can be used indefinitely through vent ports that push hot air, allowing Aiden to continuously gliding. If you're good enough you can even glide through windows and pass through buildings. Aiden meets with some Peace Keepers looking to help but some bandits also appear, with Aiden showing off that he can easily take on humans just as well as the infected.

With the power restored Aiden heads to the Fisheye where Renegades attack. Aiden pushes the attack and the developers show off the AI combat system along with a dynamic event where the Renegades attempt to use a cannon to destroy the Fisheye.

Considering the numerous times Dying Light 2 has been delayed the game has officially gone gold. Also, it looks amazing so that extra time has benefited the game. We saw this title back in 2019 and looking at it now, the developers are ensuring that Aiden's upcoming adventure is one to be experienced in 2022.

Dying Light 2 launches for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series, Xbox One, and PC on February 4th.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

Adam Siddiqui

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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