Endless Space 2 - Supremacy Sees The Warlike Hissho Re-enter The Fray

Endless Space 2 - Supremacy also introduces planet-destroying behemoths.

News by Woozie on  Jul 26, 2018

If six months ago the Vaulters were introduced as the first playable post-launch faction to Endless Space 2, the beginning of August will see the warlike Hissho re-enter the fray. Focused on conquest and expansion, their ships allow for flexible loadouts through polyvalent slots that can host both support and defense but also attack modules, while Hissho heroes are most comfortable at the helm of their fleets. Their main mechanic will be Keii, a resource gained through combat which powers special abilities and maintains Obedience, replacing Happiness, throughout the empire. The Hissho will favor a more agressive playstyle centered around the growing of one's war economy.

Endless Space 2 - Supremacy, Image, News

Endless Space 2 - Supremacy will also grow the minor faction roster with the addition of the Illo, a faction of reasoning machines. Lastly, Behemoths are ancient Endless ships that will be available to all major factions. They can be specialized for three purposes: destroying systems, protecting systems and destroying enemy fleets. Endless Space 2 - Supremacy releases on August 2nd on PC and is currently available for pre-order for the discounted price of 11,69€.

Bogdan Robert, NoobFeed

Mates Bogdan Robert

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