King Returns in KOF 15

The Muay Thai master returns.

News by Fragnarok on  Apr 01, 2021

SNK has released a new trailer for the King of Fighters 15, showcasing fan favorite King. As with other entries in the series, King still mainly utilizes Muay Thai, but unlike other practitioners also includes man anti-air moves like flying kicks. Leg attacks are so important to King that even her projectile fireballs are used via kick inputs. While the trailer introduces King herself, it doesn’t specify which team or stage she will be connected to. In past entries, King was part of the Women Fighters Team, along with staples like Mai Shiranui and Yuri Sakazaki; King has also been on Art of Fighting specific teams. Many of her past teammates like Mai have already been announced, which makes a repeat team up likely. The trailer also shows off a new haunted amusement park level, which could be King’s specific stage.

King|KOF 15|King of Fighters|SNK

King first appeared in Art of Fighting, which acted as a prequel to the Fatal Fury series. King at first was an AI only controlled opponent whose story had her posing as a man. For the King of Fighters series, she along with the rest of the Art of Fighting cast were de-aged to no longer be older than their Fatal Fury counterparts.      

Kurtis Seid, NoobFeed

Kurtis Seid

Contributor, NoobFeed

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