Last-Generation Dragon Age III: Inquisition Saves Can Now Be Imported to Next-Generation Consoles

Dragon Age: Inquisition fans can bring their saves when they upgrade to a next-generation console

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 07, 2015

Dragon Age III: Inquisition fans hoping to upgrade to the latest console generation can rejoice, BioWare has released a new tool that allows gamers to import their saves across the generation gap.

Dragon Age III: Inquisition,Noobfeed,BioWare,EA,

This doesn’t mean you’ll only bring over your single-player saves but also your multiplayer data, however the multiplayer portion of the patch won’t go live until later this month.

As usual players can only import saves within console families, that means only PS3 to PS4 and Xbox 360 to Xbox One. 

Dragon Age III: Inquisition released in November 2014 with critical and commercial acclaim, receiving numerous rewards including Noobfeed’s Game of the Year Award. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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