Life is Strange: Before the Storm Developer Working on New Game with Square Enix

What could Deck Nine be working on?

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 20, 2018

Deck Nine Games, known for the critically acclaimed title Life is Strange: Before the Storm, is working on a new game for Square Enix.

Life is Strange,Before the Storm,NoobFeed,

The choice came after the massive success of the prequel story that Square Enix stated was a "huge success".

Lee Singleton, head of Square Enix External Studios stated that working with Deck Nine was an "easy decision" but the project is remaining hidden until ready to be shown.

Deck Nine's Jeff Litchford explained they "couldn't be happier" explaining that working with Square Enix was "incredible".

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a prequel that took place before the events of the original game and starred Chloe Price. It shows how Chloe and the notorious Rachel Amber established a powerful bond and encouraged Chloe to go on the long search when she went missing. The final episode focused on Max and Chloe's final adventure together before Max moves away, leading to the events that followed.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is now available for Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac, and Linux.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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