Marvel Realm of Champions First Gameplay Trailer Released

Check out the debut gameplay trailer for Marvel Realm of Champions

News by Grayshadow on  Aug 10, 2020

Today the first gameplay trailer for MARVEL Realm of Champions dropped. Showing off all the houses players can choose to ally with and heroes to pick.

Marvel Realm of Champions,NoobFeed,MARVEL,

A brief on the game’s story is below:

Long ago, Maestro, an evil version of the Hulk from an alternate future, forced shattered realities together to construct his own Battleworld and ruled these timelines filled with Gods and Warriors alike until he was secretly slain! With his iron grip no longer holding this world together, Barons from the Marvel-themed Houses like the House of Iron (Iron Man), Spider-Guild (Spider-Man), Patriot Garrison (Captain American), and more have risen to control their lands and turn the tide of war in their favor. As this Secret War begins, it is up to YOU brave Summoner to solve the mysteries of Battleworld and take your true place as a powerful Champion!

MARVEL Realm of Champions will release later this year on the App Store and Google Play

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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