New Images for Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind Showcase Sora's Final Form and New Photo Mode

Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind will add new premium menus

News by Grayshadow on  Jan 20, 2020

Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind launches in a few days for PS4 and Square Enix released new images. Showing off new premium menus such as a very elaborate photo mode and Sora's Final Form.

Sora's Final Form was introduced in Kingdom Hearts 2 and has Sora using Oathkeep and Oblivion. The new premium photo mode will allow users to not only take screenshots but add assets to the images. This includes Heartless, any of the main characters, and much more.

Kingdom Hearts 3,KH3,Square Enix,

Kingdom Hearts 3,KH3,Square Enix,

Kingdom Hearts 3,KH3,Square Enix,


Kingdom Hearts 3,KH3,Square Enix,

Kingdom Hearts 3,KH3,Square Enix,


Kingdom Hearts 3,KH3,Square Enix,

Kingdom Hearts III is now available for PS4 and Xbox One. ReMind will launch on PS4 this January 23rd and Xbox One on February 25th.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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