Nintendo Investigating Reports of Switch Account Breaches

Nintendo Switch users have reported account breaches, Nintendo has made a public statement

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 23, 2020

Nintendo Switch sales have skyrocketed since the quarantine, so much that supply can't keep up and many are falling victim to resellers. Now, some more dire news rose up with Nintendo Switch users reporting breaches to their accounts tied to their systems. With Nintendo providing an official report.

Nintendo Switch Online,NoobFeed,

Nintendo confirmed that the shift to a dedicated online platform using another account called Nintendo Account. This allows users to sync up their information with My Nintendo with ease but during the past week, more users have had reports of their accounts being breach. Nintendo shared an official report with IGN about where these breaches are coming from.

The statement made by Nintendo is admittedly extremely brief stating, “We are aware of reports of unauthorized access to some Nintendo Accounts and we are investigating the situation.” Nintendo does urge users to use the 2-factor verification system and Nintendo is working hard to resolve the issue.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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