Nintendo Switch Becomes Fastest-Selling Console In Company History

Nearly a million units sold in month of March 2017

News by TAYLOS on  Apr 14, 2017

No matter how you look at it, Nintendo always finds a way to deliver a 1, 2 punch when dealing with the competitive nature of the console industry. The Nintendo Switch is no exception. After having dealt with a few setbacks with their previous Wii U console, business is once again in full swing in the land of Nintendo.

Yesterday, Nintendo announced that in the month of March 2017, after selling more than 906,000 units (according to NPD Group) in the U.S. alone, the Nintendo Switch is now the fastest-selling video game system in Nintendo history. Yes, the system is selling like hotcakes and that is surely attributed to careful planning, research and listening to their fans.

Another amazing feat that Nintendo just announced is that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game sold over 1.3 million units which begs the question, how did they sell more than the Switch console? Once you begin to tally up the numbers, the Nintendo Switch version sold 925,000 units and the Wii U version moved nearly 460,000 units. So basically, this means for every Nintendo Switch console sold, a copy of The Legend of Zelda game went home with it. That’s a 100 percent attach rate, thus making The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild the fastest-selling launch title of all time, as well as the fastest-selling Legend of Zelda titled, ever.

Noobfeed,, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Nintendo Switch, Taylos, NoobfeedUSA, GameZenTech

The legendary one himself, Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s President and COO had a few things to say about the Switch launch.

“Nintendo always strives to offer consumers something fun, new and different. With its various modes and the innovative features of the Joy-Con controllers, Nintendo Switch provides unique experiences that people can take with them anywhere and share with anyone,” said Fils-Aime.

While Nintendo has every reason to celebrate their record-setting launch, there is still a high demand in consoles and they are currently working hard to meet that demand. In a little over two weeks, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will release on April 28th. At that point, consumers can expect to see another wave of consoles. That being said, Nintendo will undoubtedly see another huge boost in console sales, if they can meet the demand. Heading into summer, gamers will also see the release of ARMS on June 16th and Splatoon 2 on July 21st.

Tao Dawkins, Noobfeed
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Tao Dawkins

Editor, NoobFeed

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