October Xbox Games with Gold

New month, new free games

News by Grayshadow on  Sep 21, 2016

It's hard to believe but September is almost over, soon Comic-Con will be here, the PS4 Pro will hit shelves, and the Nintendo NX will get revealed. Okay, the last one seems unlikely but it is almost the end of September. Surprisingly Microsoft has taken the position of vanguard of free games and released what the new October Games with Gold will be.

Xbox One, Games with Gold,October 2016,

Here is what's coming in October:

Super Mega Baseball Extra Innings: 10/1-10/31 (Xbox One)
The Escapist: 10/16-11/15 (Xbox One)
Backward Compatible - MX vs. ATV Reflex 10/1-10/16 (Xbox 360)
I am Alive - 10/16-10/31 (Xbox One)

Check out September's Games with Gold here.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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