Soul Sacrifice Demo coming to the PlayStation Vita

Soul Sacrifice will be coming to your handheld - get out your gauntlets!

News by Admin on  Apr 14, 2013

Sony has announced a demo for Soul Sacrifice will be coming to the PS Vita for Europe (April 17th) and North America (April 16th). Released on the 7th of March in Japan, Soul Sacrifice has sold more than 105.000 copies as reported by Famitsu Sales (via NeoGAF). Due to its popularity, Sony’s handheld received a boost in sales, outselling the popular 3DS.

Soul Sacrifice is an Action RGP for the PS Vita and will allow players to create a character, customize and head to battle. Armed with brutal weapons and powers, heroes will take on hordes of foul beasts.Giant monsters reminisce of boss encounters from Dark Souls thus evoking a feeling of fragility and magnitude in the player.

It features an in-depth and elaborate crafting system that will help players survive and overcome their goals. Multiplayer will allow up to four players to team up, assume roles and take on missions.

Soul Sacrifice will release on April 30th in North America and May 1st in Europe. It has generated a high amount of buzz amongst PlayStation fans and positive feedback for the PS Vita. Stay tuned for NoobFeed’s official review.

Alexandru-Valentin Mirea, NoobFeed
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Craig Bryan

Admin, NoobFeed

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