Square Enix E3 Conference Confirmed for this Year

Square Enix hosting an E3 conference

News by Grayshadow on  May 09, 2018

E3 2018 is about 1 month away and Square Enix has confirmed they will be hosting a conference on Monday, June 11th at 10 am PST.

Final Fantasy VII Remake,Final Fantasy 7 remake,NoobFeed,Square Enix,

Square Enix will be showing off in development and never-before-seen titles such as Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Many are hoping that Square Enix will finally provide a release date for Kingdom Hearts 3, which has been rumored to release this year, new footage of Avengers and Final Fantasy VII: Remake.

Until then we'll have to wait.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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