Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition's New Character Falke Gets a Gameplay Trailer

Falke comes to Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition next week

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 16, 2018

Capcom's Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition is getting a new character next week, Falke, on April 24th. In celebration, Capcom released the first gameplay trailer featuring Falke and her Psycho Power.

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Capcom stated Falke was first built as a clone of M. Bison, who we see her sparing against her gameplay trailer. After heavy experimentation from Shadaloo, Falke is able to infuse Psycho power into various objects She uses a staff named Harmony combined with her Psycho power for her own style of combat. Broken out of Shadaloo by Ed the 2 now share a sibling-like bond.

Falke will be part of the Season 3 Character Pass and can be purchased alone for $5.99 or earned with 100,000 Fight Money.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition is currently available on PC and PS4. You can check out Falke in all her glory in the images below.

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