Time-altering Riftborn Join Endless Space 2 Faction Roster In Latest Update

Multiplayer and changes to the tech tree are also part of the 0.3.2 update for Endless Space 2.

News by Woozie on  Mar 23, 2017

Endless Space 2 has just recieved its seventh faction in the shape of the Riftborn. Hailing from an alternate dimension, the faction's affinity revolves around time manipulation, being able to create bubbles that can alter the flow of time in a number of star systems. As with previous major updates, the new faction is not the sole addition. The Early Access iteration of multiplayer is now available as are quite a few tweaks in the combat department  and detailed ship information.

Endless Space 2, Image, Riftborn, Early Access, Update, News

A reworked Military Tech Tree Quadrant, some further AI tweaks that influence its decision making process and use of tactics in accordance to its capabilities and balancing of the Lumeris outpost buying curve, meant to make their expansion a little less easy to do, are also included. Have a look at the full list of changes.

With the seventh major faction available, there is only one left to fill the roster of eight the game will have at launch. Four of them are factions we've seen in the first game, so, my guess is that the last one will also be something we haven't encountered yet. What are your thoughts on the latest update for Endless Space 2?

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