We Happy Few Receives New Overview Trailer and Screenshots

Check out the disturbing new images of We Happy Few

News by Grayshadow on  Jul 13, 2018

We Happy Few has been long awaited by fans who played the earlier builds of the game back in 2016. Now Gearbox Publishing and Compulsion Games have released new screenshots and a trailer called "Always Be Cheerful" showing the disturbing world players will have to survive.

The trailer provides a summary of the game and the reasons behind the drug induced world and the people who control everything. In addition, we get snippets into the gameplay mechanics such as sneaking, avoiding detection, crafting weapons, and the various brutal ways to take down your enemies. Think BioShock combined with Dishonored but if everyone was on LCD.

We Happy Few is set to launch for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on August 10th.

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