Xenosaga Trilogy Remaster Hinted by Trademark

The return of Xenosaga?

News by Grayshadow on  Apr 18, 2018

It would seem that Bandai Namco is looking to rerelease the Xenosaga trilogy as an HD collection. The company has trademarked "Also Sprach Zarathustra" which was the subtitle for the third game. 

Xenosaga HD,NoobFeed,Bandai namco,

It does seem strange that the company only trademarked one of the three games but it could be that the publisher is trying to preserve their rights over the IP. It does muster hope for fans of the franchise.

If you never heard of Xenosaga, don't worry. It released back on the PS2 and was one of the most complicated JRPGs ever made, with a diverse selection of characters, tons of lore, and an intricate combat system.

It a remaster is in the works Bandai Namco would need a new developer since Monolith Soft, the original developers, are now under Nintendo's umbrella.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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