Alan Wake 2 Guide | All Collectibles Locations in Initiation 4 to 9 And Return 8

Here's everything you need to know on how to find all the collectibles in Initiation 4 to 9 and Return 8, Alan Wake 2.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Feb 23, 2025

Alan Wake 2 is riddled with secret collectibles, which give the story more depth and reward loyal players with unlocks. This guide covers all the collectible locations for Initiation 4-9 and Return 8; nothing has been left out. Maps, additional dialogue, Writer's Journey entries, and guns all contribute to a 100%-complete score.

Alan Wake 2, PC, Gameplay, All Collectibles Locations in Initiation 4 to 9 And Return 8, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Initiation 4: We sing

The first collectible for the chapter is the Flare Gun, which is a story-related gun collectible. Getting the collectible will reward the trophy. Next is from the series of the Writer's Journey. 

As you proceed, a ringing payphone is in front of you. Answering the call is optional. However, a familiar television set is close at hand. Interact with the TV to receive the entry from the Writer's Journey, The Dark Presence.

Alan Wake 2, PC, Gameplay, All Collectibles Locations in Initiation 4 to 9 And Return 8, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Initiation 5: Room 665

This level is within the Ocean View Hotel, which can be accessed via the roof entrance. To go through, go to the Mirror Peak entrance and perform a light switch in a position to form a secret passage.  Perform a second light switch to find the final collectible gun in the game, the Double-Barreled Shotgun.

Once you have reached the hotel, walk down to the ground level and search behind the front counter for the Ocean View Hotel Map. Walk through to Room 101 for the second entry of the Writer's Journey. Find the room key in the second-level break room of the ballroom, near the vicinity of the coffee machine. 

Do not use the elevator; walk through Room 225, which leads through a restroom, before surprising you with transportation down to the first level. At the entrance of the room, there is a TV in the corner of the right-hand wall with the next entry of the Writer's Journey.

Alan Wake 2, PC, Gameplay, All Collectibles Locations in Initiation 4 to 9 And Return 8, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Initiation 7: Masks

There are no collectibles in Initiation 6, but the next is in Initiation 7. In this chapter, Alan is in the studio of a TV program. In order to find the Writer's Journey: Drowning, proceed through the janitor's room shortcut through the basement from the cafeteria. Continue down the path using changing lights as required. 

In the area with the red lights is a shoebox with a picture in the center of the area. At the chapter's end, the entry under the Writer's Journey, as well as the trophy, can be earned. After the item has been collected, exit the area for the reward.

Alan Wake 2, PC, Gameplay, All Collectibles Locations in Initiation 4 to 9 And Return 8, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Initiation 8, Zane's Film

The Poet's Cinema Map is the chapter's first collectible, found in the lobby behind the front desk. To reach the theater door, exit the hotel and proceed there, from which point you can access the entrance with a cinema ticket.

The next log entry in the Writer's Journey is entitled Stop Writing and is located at the left end of the employees-only area. Continue reading through the chapter until the theater hallway after the acquisition of the Grand Master. A blue door is opened when activated. There are three loops inside the room. In the third loop, there is a television with the final entry for the Writer's Journey. Wait inside the room until the trophy is opened.

Return 8: Deer Festival

There are no collectibles in Initiation 9, but the final one is inside Return 8: Deerfest. It is the final Koskelä Brothers advertisement found inside the Oh Deer Diner. Watching this earns the final collectible trophy, concluding the guide.

Also, check our Alan Wake 2 Review and other guides below:

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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