Octopath Traveler II Guide | How To Beat Warden Davids

Here's everything you need to know on how to easily beat Warden Davids in Octopath Traveler II.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Feb 15, 2025

Warden Davids, one of Octopath Traveler II's tough boss battles, owing to the huge health, devastating attacks, and two Prison Guards. Warden Davids can cause huge damage to your party while calling reinforcement, so it makes it an endurance battle, as well as one that calls for skill. Defeat him by focusing on crushing his shield, addictions management, and preparing against lethal attacks.

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Ideal Setup, Ideal Party

Your party must have both attackers, magical attackers, one tanky character, and one healer, so you need both attackers, defenders, and healers. Physical attackers, like Hikari or Ochette, while magical attackers, Osvald or Temenos, play an invaluable role, while Agnea, together with Partitio, offer buffs, together with debuffs, both crucial battle management. 

Warden Davids has huge power, so defense-improving accessories, together with elements, must form the party. Healing products, like Inspiring Plums and Healing Grapes (Large, Medium, or Small), must also be stocked.

Knowing Warden Davids' Attack

It typically employs heavy body attacks, targeting one, two, or three people. His "Iron Fist" has a huge capacity per single victim, while "Disciplinary Strike" targets many individuals. Whenever Warden Davids loses both of his two Prison Guards, it calls for reinforcement, so it's crucial to get them out early while managing them well. His shield numbers are very many, so it's crucial to find loopholes if you want him down first before delivering lethal strikes.

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Shatter His Shield, Gaining Dominance Over the Battle

Warden Davids also has some areas you exploit so you break down his shield, including bows, polearms, and icy strikes. Apply multi-hit attacks such as Osvald's Icewind, Hikari's Spearhead, or precise arrow shots by Ochette so you drain shield points well. If you have crowd-controls, including a shock strike by Throné or Ruinous Kick by Agnea, play these moves well so you break down the shield faster.

Prison guards also have weak spots, as these fall easy targets to swords and flames. If you prefer not handling them, clear them early through multi-hit moves, but Warden Davids shall release minions. If you have crowd-controls, including Castti's potions or Mercenaries by Partitio, play these moves so you slow down the guards' onslaught.

Ending the Battle

When Warden Davids has collapsed, play out your best moves so you deal maximum damage. Magic spells by Osvald, increased attacks by Hikari, and buffs by Agnea work together so you speed up your progress. 

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If you have Latent Powers, preserve them so you get to play them out when Warden Davids has shattered so you deal maximum burst. Keep healing continuously, as Warden Davids' attacks are easy enough so you overwhelm an unprepared team.

Eventually, Warden Davids will fall owing to aggressive play consisting of shield-breaking, crowd management, and delivering heavy hits when openings are present. Be calm, regulate the battle tempo, and keep soldiers alive so you emerge victorious.

Also, check our OCTOPATH TRAVELER II Review and other articles listed below:

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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