Resident Evil Village Guide | How To Solve Riverbank Treasure Puzzle

Here’s everything you need to know on how to solve the Riverbank Treasure Puzzle in Resident Evil Village Guide.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Mar 06, 2025

The Riverbank Treasure in Resident Evil 8 Village is a valuable prize that can be gained through the fulfillment of an easy but demanding test. Although the treasure's spot is indicated on the map, the treasure proves to be hard to claim because it has a specific item that the player will need to use to claim it, and the fact that the puzzle has certain specificities. 

This guide will lead you through the entire process from finding the treasure to solving the riddle.

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Finding the Riverbank Treasure Spot

You have to progress quite a bit within the game to be able to earn the crank. The crank will be employed to lower the bridge that will lead one to the treasure segment. If you don't already possess the crank, simply play along until you find it.

Once you find the crank, head to the bridge near the main merchant. Using the crank, drop the bridge to move to the entrance of the puzzle zone and cross.

Resident Evil Village, PC, Gameplay, How To Solve Riverbank Treasure Puzzle, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Solving the Fire Puzzle

Inside the problem zone, two unlit goblets hang from the ceiling. The intention is to light them up to open the treasures. This can be achieved by interacting with the burning goblet and using it to burn the other goblets.

One simple technique to accomplish this is to shoot the flame goblet to swing it, which will automatically ignite the first unlit goblet. This will be easier than having to shift it manually. Once the first goblet has been lit, an enemy will spawn within the room.

The enemy plays a key role in completing the puzzle. Instead of killing it outright, take the enemy to the burning goblet and let it catch fire. Once the enemy has caught fire, take the burning opponent to the other burning goblet. Once the burning opponent has reached within firing range, it ignites the goblet to complete the riddle.

Resident Evil Village, PC, Gameplay, How To Solve Riverbank Treasure Puzzle, Screenshot, NoobFeed

Claim the Riverbank Treasure

After igniting the two goblets, it will be an easy victory to defeat the enemy. After solving the riddle, the treasure chest will be open to be unlocked, where one will be able to claim the reward. The treasure is a valuable item that one can sell to the merchant to earn a large amount of Lei, making it highly valuable. 

Also, check our Resident Evil Village Review and other guides below:

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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