Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Guide | All Stim Locations
Here’s everything you need to know on how to find all Stim Locations in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Game Guide by Ornstein on Mar 03, 2025
Jedi Survivor features the same healing system that was first introduced in Fallen Order, with BD-1 tossing Cal a stim pack that recovers the health bar. It’s a nice boost, but you only get two of them when you start, and as you get further in the game and face harder enemies, those two stims can run out really fast.
Luckily, while you're exploring different planets, you have the chance to find rare chests that contain upgrades to these stims, giving BD-1 additional packs and increasing Cal's chance of survival. There are 10 of these stim upgrades in Jedi Survivor, maxing out the total capacity at 12, which is two more than we had in the first game.
In this guide, we’ll go through the stim locations organized by planet and show the path to get to them, starting from the nearest meditation point. If you don’t have the meditation point listed in your fast travel menu, you probably haven’t found it yet. In that case, you may need to do more exploring or simply haven’t reached that part of the game yet. When you reach the save point, be sure to come back to this guide to see how to get the stim.
Coruscant: Undercity Meats
The first one is really easy. We’re starting on Coruscant, and it’s the only stim upgrade you get on the planet. This one can be found during your first visit during the tutorial mission. You can find it in Undercity Meats, and it’s being guarded by a KX Security Droid. From the save point, simply walk forward and wall jump up this short wall. The KX will be sitting in the back, waiting to challenge you. Once you beat the KX, you’re free to walk up and collect the stim from the chest.
Koboh: Doma’s Shop
Next, we’re moving on to Koboh, where most of the upgrades are found. The first upgrade you're likely to get is the one at Doma's Shop. If you've been exploring Koboh thoroughly, you’ve likely picked up a bunch of Priorite Shards. You can take these to Doma to buy exclusive cosmetics at the shop. There’s an option to spend 10 of these shards to buy a key code. This key code allows BD to slice open the locked back door in the shop. Inside that newly unlocked room, you’ll find a second stim upgrade.
Koboh: Basalt Rift
The next stim is in the Basalt Rift. From the meditation point here, head north and cross the fallen pillar. Go through the single archway on the path, then climb the short hill. At the top, you can go right toward a meditation chamber or left. Hang left, and you’ll see a Mogu guarding the small area. Defeat the Mogu, then wall run up and around the area until you get to the top of the platform. A short walk from there and down to the right, you’ll find the chest with one of those pliers pushed on top of it.
Koboh: Foothill Falls via Mountain Ascent
This next one is a bit tricky, but you can get it early during your first visit to Koboh. It’s found in the rundown shack at Foothill Falls, across from where you first meet Scuba Stev. Start from the save point at Mountain Ascent, make your way down the path, and cross the small pond where you met Scuba. Then ride the flyer over to the other side. Clear out the Bedlam Raiders and Rakghouls in the area. Inside the shack, you’ll see a giant door that can’t be pushed open. The stim chest is on the other side.
To reach it, go back outside and call a Nekko. If the Nekko doesn’t come, walk around until you find the right spot. Once mounted, ride the Nekko over to the nearby wall and use the boosted jump to reach the ledge. Wall run to the platform, follow it around to the left, and jump across the poles. When you reach the other side, BD can slice a terminal, releasing a roller mine. Use the Force to grab and throw the roller mine at the door through the opening in the roof. The explosion will destroy the door, allowing access to the stim.
Koboh: Late-Game Stims
There are three more stim packs on Koboh, but these are found later in the game. They require Force Lift, which is only available after exploring the downed Lucrehulk.
Viscid Bog – Fast travel to the Viscid Bog save point. Head to the end of the platform, take the zip line, and swing onto a pole. Land in the mud and move to the stones ahead. Use Force Lift to raise the stones (which are pillars) and jump across them. At the end, you’ll find the chest guarded by a regular Mogu and a legendary boss called the Mire Terror. Defeat them and claim the stim.
Derelict Dam – Start at the Derelict Dam save point and follow the tunnel with the roller mine. Lead it to the workbench area and use the Force to throw the mine at a breakable wall. Follow the path up and around, fight a Garakko, then climb a rope. Use Force Lift to open a large yellow gate. The Garakko Matriarch, another legendary boss, awaits you. Defeat it to claim the stim.
Observatory Understructure – This stim is at the Observatory Understructure, near the final Dagan Gera fight. Start at the meditation point and take the rope shortcut. Navigate multiple walls, grapple points, and electric barriers, fighting droids and raiders along the way. Eventually, you’ll find a chest in a small room above where you started.
Jedha: Sheltered Hollow
Jedha has two stim upgrades. The first is after the cave cutscene when Cal and Merrin get stuck in a storm. Once you regain control, follow Merrin, and the chest will be on the left as you exit the cave.
Jedha: Crypt of Uhrma
The second stim is found in the Crypt of Uhrma, during the mission to the safe house. There’s a puzzle involving push-and-pull pillars. The solution is to pull out the top two outer pillars and the bottom two inner pillars, revealing the stim chest. The solution is hinted at by a pattern at the top of the crypt.
Shattered Moon: Assembly Staging
On the Shattered Moon, this stim can be obtained during your first visit. Fast travel to the Automated Forge meditation point and go through the yellow door. Take the zip line up and follow the path, using wall runs and grapple points. At the end, drop to a lower platform and climb up. The stim chest is above.
Fellowship Perk: Extra Stim
There’s one final stim upgrade in the form of the Fellowship Perk, which grants BD an extra stim, bringing the total to 13. To unlock it, complete the Chamber of Clarity in Untamed Downs on Koboh. Fast travel to the Boiling Bluff save point, call a Nekko, and use it to reach the vines leading to the chamber entrance. Inside, solve the puzzle by moving large blocks with Force Push/Pull to create a path to the goal. Fellowship takes up four perk slots, so you may need to unlock additional slots from Zee.
Final Tips
If a stim is interrupted by an enemy attack, the heal won’t go through. To avoid this, jump away while using a stim to stay safe. Upgrading Cal’s Survival Skill Tree can make stims more effective, increase health, and even restore Force Meter. Additionally, don’t overlook Slow Ability, which provides a perfect opportunity to heal in tight situations.
Also, check our Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PlayStation 5 review and other guides below:
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