Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Guide | Best Skills To Unlock First

Amongst the plethora of skills available, here’s everything you need to know on the best skills you should be looking for.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Mar 03, 2025

As you defeat Stormtroopers, Raiders, creatures, and battle droids in Jedi Survivor, you’ll earn skill points, which you can spend to unlock new abilities for Cal. With so many options available from the start—and even more unlocking as you progress—it can be difficult to decide where to focus your skill points. This guide will walk you through all the skills worth your skill points.

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How to Reset All Skills

We’ve put our heads together to come up with some surefire picks to help you get started, as well as the best choices for each lightsaber stance once you’ve unlocked them all. Before diving in, keep in mind that if you see something you want to get immediately or regret a skill choice, you can reset all your skill point choices once for free by pressing Triangle or Y in the skills menu. 

After that, you can respec multiple times, but it will cost you skill points, so choose wisely. If you’re ever unsure about what ability does, press Square or X while hovering over it in the skills menu to see a video of the ability in action. 

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Improved Stim Formula

In Jedi Survivor, it doesn’t take much to become overwhelmed, so it’s recommended that you unlock the Improved Stim Formula first—unless you’re not dying too often. This skill increases the amount healed by BD-1 when you use a stim, giving you a significant boost to survivability.

To unlock this, you must first buy Survival Skills for one point, but there’s no downside to having more health. While the subsequent Perfected Stim Formula and Teamwork skills are also great, you may want to improve your lightsaber and Force abilities before further investing in your health.

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Wrenching Pull

Wrenching Pull is a fantastic AOE (area of effect) pull attack, allowing you to group up weaker enemies for an easy takedown—either with a twirling attack from your double-bladed lightsaber or a push attack.

It’s the first skill to unlock in the Telekinesis skill tree, making it both affordable and a requirement for future telekinesis upgrades.

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Three Initial Skills

To get a feel for the strengths and weaknesses of each lightsaber stance—since they all shine in different situations—start by unlocking each stance’s initial skill. Each tree begins with a one-point skill, so before dismissing a stance, purchase its first skill and experiment with it. These first skills are Lunging Strike, Gathering Tempest, Backstep Slash.

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Two fold Reflection 

Once you reach Koboh, you’ll encounter various battle droids, including resilient B2 droids capable of unleashing heavy blaster fire. Enhanced blaster reflection abilities can be a game-changer.

If you use the Single Blade Stance, unlock Twofold Reflection (one skill point) early to send back two blaster bolts with one block. If you prefer the Dual Blade Stance, opt for Split Reflection (two skill points), allowing you to split a single blaster bolt into two.

The Double Blade Stance boasts the best reflection ability—Multifold Reflection—but it costs a total of four points, so save this for later unless blaster bolts are becoming a major nuisance.

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Greater Confusion

One of Cal’s most underrated abilities is Confuse. Not only does it temporarily remove an enemy from the fight, but it also creates a distraction, which can turn the tide of battle—especially in crowded combat scenarios.

Unlock Greater Confusion to confuse a second enemy at once, making even the most difficult fights manageable. You’ll need to buy Adept Mind first (which increases the duration of confused enemies), but together, these two skills cost only two points, making them an easy and effective investment.

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Howling Push

This enhanced Force Push may be more expensive, but it’s incredibly useful in combat. Howling Push allows you to push larger groups of enemies and even enemies that normally resist push attacks.

It’s particularly effective for clearing out groups of B1 droids, knocking multiple Stormtroopers off ledges and stunning large creatures

Best Lightsaber Stance Skill Upgrades

So far, we’ve avoided stance-specific upgrades since different players will have different preferences. However, here are recommended first upgrades for each stance, ensuring a solid path forward regardless of which one you favor.

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Single-Blade Stance

It’s a balanced, generalist stance that doesn’t excel in any one area but also lacks major weaknesses. The Single Blade Skill Tree allows you to customize the stance in various ways.

After unlocking Lunging Strike and Twofold Reflection, get Cyclone Slash for a stronger finishing move, making it easier to break an opponent’s guard.

Next, aim for Dash Strike to quickly close the gap between you and your enemies. To unlock this, you must first get Aerial Assault, which is useful for vertical attacks.

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Double-Blade Stance

A fast stance that excels at attacking multiple nearby enemies, though with reduced damage.

Start by unlocking Gathering Tempest, followed by Vortex Dive, which moves you closer to enemies while attacking—similar to Dash Strike. Next, get Endless Hurricane to extend your attack combos.

Most importantly, unlock Multifold Reflection to deflect multiple blaster shots at different targets. If your block meter holds out, you can send a relentless barrage of blaster bolts back at your enemies.

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Dual-Wield Stance

This stance has the shortest attack range but allows you to block at any time, canceling attack animations. While using Dual-Wield Stance, you take more damage per hit but have the ability to recover quickly.

To address the short range, unlock Split Reflection, then Twin Vipers, which lets you throw both sabers at once. This increases your damage output while keeping a safe distance.

To further enhance this stance, get Uncoiled Strikes—a rapid flurry of attacks that can overwhelm a single target.

The following stances are unlocked later in the game. If you want to avoid spoilers, return once you’ve unlocked them.

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Blaster Stance

It’s a hybrid stance where Cal wields a saber in one hand and a blaster in the other. It offers the highest ranged potential, but saber attacks focus on closing the distance to recharge blaster shots.

Start with Flying Lunge for quick movement toward enemies, then unlock Blaster Cooldown to access Improved Clip, which increases your blaster magazine size.

For a Bloodborne-style twist, get Efficient Heat Transfer followed by Point Blank, which allows you to counter enemy attacks with a close-range blaster shot, sending them flying.

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Crossguard Stance

Inspired by Kylo Ren’s fighting style, this stance makes your saber longer and your attacks heavier. While slow, it delivers devastating blows.

Start with Rending Strike, which can one-shot enemies that drop their guard. Next, unlock Impact, a jumping ground-pound attack that sends a shockwave forward. You can enhance its range with additional upgrades.

On the right side of the skill tree, invest in Greater Cleaving Swing and Reaching Cleave to make your heavy attacks faster and extend their reach. If you want to empower your blaster deflections, consider Charged Reflection, though it’s further down the tree.

Also, check our Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PlayStation 5 review and other guides below:

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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