Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Guide | Best Lightsaber Stance
Here’s everything you need to know on which one is the best Lightsaber is for you
Game Guide by Ornstein on Mar 03, 2025
In Jedi Survivor, you will have a limited amount of skill points unless you spend hours grinding through combat. To get the most out of each stance, you’ll want to decide early on which stance suits you best and invest your skill points accordingly. Follow through the guide to find out which Lightsaber stance is the right one for you.
Single-Bladed Stance
The single-bladed lightsaber stance in Jedi Survivor definitely feels the most like Jedi: Fallen Order. This is your starting point and the most neutral of all the stances, balancing power, speed, range, and defense. Compared to the dual-wield stance, the single-blade offers more range and defense but less power. While this stance doesn’t necessarily stand out in any special way, it’s a solid all-rounder.
A charged lightsaber throw—an ability you unlock later—can one-shot certain enemies. I personally found this stance effective against bosses because of its neutral balance. Unlike the blaster stance, which forces you to keep a distance, or the dual-wield stance, which requires you to be up close, the single-blade lets you deal reasonable damage while maintaining strong defensive capabilities.
Double-Bladed Stance
The double-bladed stance returns from Jedi: Fallen Order, but it feels quite different this time. Compared to the single-blade, it has less power, more speed, less range, and more defense. This stance has been refined from its previous version. In Fallen Order, it sometimes felt like your movements were sluggish, like your feet were stuck in the mud. In Jedi Survivor, however, it features more fluid combos, allowing you to dance around enemies.
Some players might be disappointed that combo moves from Fallen Order—where you switched between single and double-blade mid-combo—are no longer present, or at least, I haven’t found them yet. One of the best features of the double-bladed stance is the saber throw. Fully upgraded, the saber will keep spinning like a helicopter as long as you have enough Force energy. You can even control its direction with the left stick. While this move doesn’t deal massive damage, it knocks enemies over, setting them up for a finishing blow.
A fantastic addition to this stance is the Battlefront II-inspired Darth Maul spinning animation. Cal now leaps forward and spins like a helicopter, improving maneuverability and making the stance feel even more fluid.
Dual-Wield Stance
The dual-wield stance is the fastest stance in the game. It’s more powerful than both the single and double-bladed stances but suffers from the worst range and defense. Essentially, it’s a glass cannon. You'll likely be pressing the standard attack button a lot. However, instead of a standard block, holding the triangle or Y button enters a Force Focus mode, allowing you to parry attacks or launch into advanced combos.
When fully upgraded, Cal can throw both lightsabers at once. You can either throw one saber at an enemy, then another at a different one, or charge the throw to make the sabers spin around multiple enemies. This stance is also the only one that allows you to cancel an attack input if you feel vulnerable—just press L1 or left bumper to back out.
Blaster Stance
The blaster stance is probably the most unique stance in Jedi Survivor—so uncivilized. It has less power than other stances but is faster than the single and double-bladed stances. It also boasts the most range and average defense. To get ammo for your blaster, you need to land attacks with your lightsaber. Each defeated enemy grants you some ammo.
The blaster stance features a charged shot (activated by holding triangle or Y), which replaces the lightsaber throw. Since you already have ranged capabilities with the blaster, a saber throw wouldn’t make much sense. Lightsaber combat in this stance feels similar to fencing—think Count Dooku’s elegant lunges and precise strikes.
A standout ability of this stance is Quick Draw, which works like Dead Eye from Red Dead Redemption. It lets you slow time and target multiple enemies, depending on your Force meter. If you combine Quick Draw with the Soaring Lift ability—which suspends enemies in the air—you can execute devastating combos.
Cross Guard Stance
The cross guard stance is the most powerful and brutal stance in Jedi Survivor. It’s the slowest stance but offers decent range and the best defense. This stance feels like wielding a giant mallet or axe in a Souls-like game.
The shockwave ability, triggered after jumping, can be upgraded for increased range. While it doesn’t deal significant damage, it stuns enemies, allowing you to land a powerful finishing blow. Another incredible ability is Charged Reflection. Once unlocked, deflecting a blaster bolt sends back a charged bolt that deals massive damage, often killing enemies outright.
This stance also features the most powerful lightsaber throw. If you charge it, the saber can cut through multiple enemies in a straight line. The sheer brutality of this stance makes it satisfying to use—you move slowly, but every strike decimates your enemies. There's calmness to the destruction.
Final Tips
Before ranking the stances, here’s some advice on trying out each stance when it’s fully upgraded. Jedi Survivor allows you to reset all your skill points. The first reset is free, but each subsequent reset costs one skill point. However, I found that practicing a stance for 10–20 minutes after a reset usually earns you that skill point back.
I recommend playing for a few hours to unlock all the stances (which happens within the first 5–6 hours of the main story). Then, find a combat-heavy section of the game and try each stance individually. Learn the combos, experiment with different moves, and see what fits your playstyle. Don't be afraid to reset your skills—it’s worth the investment.
Also, check our Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PlayStation 5 review and other guides below:
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