The Last of Us Part II Remastered Guide | All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations

Here's a guide on where you can find all the Collectibles in the Seattle Day 1 Chapter in The Last of Us Part II Remastered.

Game Guide by Joyramen on  Mar 08, 2025

This guide will cover the collectible found in Seattle on Day 1 of The Last of Us Part II. The Collectibles include artifacts, trading cards, journal entries, safes, weapons, and other items that you can find in the game. Below is a detailed breakdown of where you can find each of the collectibles.

Section: The Gate Collectibles, Highway

Collectibles: The Motivator Trading Card, Map of Seattle Artifact, Starfire Kids Trading Card

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

At the start of the chapter, you will find the Motivator Trading Card at a bus stop in the woods near some cars. Further along, in a small cabin on the left-hand side of the road, the Map of Seattle Artifact is located in a filing cabinet drawer. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

In the same cabin, you can find the Starfire Kids Trading Card on a notice board inside.

Section: Gate, Highway Side

Collectibles: Journal Entry, Refugee Note Artifact, Infected Infographic Artifact 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

Upon reaching the large wall with the "Trespassers killed on sight" sign, you will be able to make a Journal Entry by interacting with the main gate. To the left of the wall, in a small encampment across the road, you will see the Refugee Note Artifact on a desk in the first building on the right. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

In the same area, inside a green FEDRA trailer, the Infected Infographic Artifact is found at the back.

Section: Gate, Seattle Side

Collectibles: Chessmaster Trading Card, Isaac's Orders Artifact, Checkpoint Gate Codes Artifact, Oozer Trading Card, Rooftop Note Artifact 

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After climbing over the wall, you can find the Chessmaster Trading Card on the first watchtower, on a table with some resources. In the same watchtower, the Isaac's Orders Artifact is on top of a green supply crate. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

After smashing the glass to enter a cabin, you will see the Checkpoint Gate Codes Artifact in a drawer in a room on the left. Outside the cabin, a power cable can be thrown over the building to climb up, where the Oozer Trading Card and the Rooftop Note Artifact are located next to a chair.

Section: Downtown Collectibles (Outside)

Collectibles: FEDRA Census Document Artifact

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

Near the FEDRA gate, you will find the FEDRA Census Document Artifact inside a hut on the left, in a drawer.

Section: Westlake Bank

Collectibles: Bank Heist Plans Artifact, Bank Robber Letter Artifact, Antique Ring Artifact

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

Inside the bank, the Bank Heist Plans Artifact is in the safety deposit room beside a corpse. The code (60-23-06) opens the Safe in the large vault door to the left, which contains the Pump Shotgun.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

On the counter next to the guard is the Bank Robber Letter Artifact. In the back right corner of the vault, the Antique Ring Artifact is inside a safety deposit box.

Section: Downtown (Outside) Continued

Collectible: Cache Hunter Note Artifact, Letter from Isaac Artifact 

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The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

North of the bank, in the ruins of a structure, you will find the Cache Hunter Note Artifact in a bag. Northwest of the bank, near an abandoned tank, the Letter from Isaac Artifact is inside a bag near a head-height wall.

Section: Ration Distribution Center

Collectibles: Emergency Protocols Memo Artifact, Rabbi Saunders' Letter Artifact, Journal Entry

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The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

After pushing the cart to reach the second level of the synagogue, you can find the Emergency Protocols Memo Artifact on a table opposite the climb-up point. In the Rabbi's office, the Rabbi Saunders' Letter Artifact is in a drawer on the desk. After interacting with the calendar in the Rabbi's office, you can make a Journal Entry.

Section: Downtown (Outside) Continued

Collectibles: Doctor Uckman Trading Card, Crafting Training Manual, WLF Community Supply Chest Note Artifact, Street Drawing Artifact, Flo Trading Card

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

In a small lookout hut above the synagogue's main entrance, you can find a Stun Bomb. Opposite the synagogue, in a ruinous structure with stairs, the Doctor Uckman Trading Card is at the top after smashing glass and jumping a ledge.

Near the broken bridge in the center of the map, the Crafting Training Manual is in the back of a tipped-over truck after climbing down a fire hose pipe.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

At the north end of the map, near the waterfalls, the Note to Informant Artifact is in the back of a ration truck in the river. Between Madison and Marion Streets and 5th and 6th, the WLF Community Supply Chest Note Artifact is on the back steps of a building tucked away in a satchel.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

On 5th Avenue, near the downtown checkpoint, you can find the Street Drawing Artifact in a drawer up a ladder. After picking up the drawing, you will also be able to mark a Journal Entry.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

In the FEDRA tent north of the synagogue, a Workbench is available. South of the courthouse, at Gate West 2, a Safe can be opened with the code 04-51, which has the Flo Trading Card.

Section: Valiant Music Shop

Collectibles: Das Wort Trading Card

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

In the Valiant Music Shop on 5th Avenue, you can find the Das Wort Trading Card in a drawer by the till.

Section: Viewpoint Hotel

Collectibles: WLF Safe House Supply Note Artifact, Big Blue Trading Card, Pet Store Key Artifact 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

In the diner of the Viewpoint Hotel, you will spot the WLF Safe House Supply Note Artifact on the counter. Further along the back wall is the Big Blue Trading Card. Then, head to the bathroom for the Pet Store Key Artifact.

Section: Barko's Pet Store

Collectibles: the Join WLF Note Artifact

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

Using the key from the Viewpoint Hotel, the Join WLF Note Artifact is on the printer inside Barko's Pet Store. On the front counter, you will also find yourself a Long Gun Holster.

Section: Courthouse

Collectibles: Plea to a Friend Letter Artifact, List of Known WLF Agitators Artifact, Lt. Torres' Final Memorandum Artifact

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In the basement of the courthouse, the Plea to a Friend Letter Artifact is on a corpse near three dead FEDRA soldiers. In an office behind a locked door, a Safe can be opened with the code 86-07-22, found on a whiteboard.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

In the same office, the List of Known WLF Agitators Artifact is in a filing cabinet. Next to it, the Lt. Torres' Final Memorandum Artifact drops after you remove a machete from a cop's chest.

Section: Serevena Hotel

Collectibles: Know It All Trading Card

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, All Seattle Day 1 Collectibles Locations, NoobFeed

On the first floor of the hotel, the WLF Recruiter Journal Artifact is in a room adjacent to the room opposite the stairs. In the same room, you can find the Know It All Trading Card in a bedside table between two beds.

With the help of this guide, you will hopefully be able to locate all the various Collectibles in the Seattle Day 1 Chapter, ensuring that you don't miss out on anything so that you can get your hands on those ever-desired trophies in The Last of Us Part II Remastered with the bonuses of safe codes, gun parts, weapons and other items that will help you out in the game. 

Check out our other guides on The Last of Us Part II Remastered below:

Joy Rahman

Editor, NoobFeed

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