The Last of Us Part II Remastered Guide | Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie)

This guide covers the collectibles found in Seattle Day 3 of The Last of Us Part II.

Game Guide by Joyramen on  Mar 18, 2025

This guide covers the collectibles found in Seattle Day 3 of The Last of Us Part II Remastered. The chapter contains a total of 23 collectibles, including 9 artifacts, 6 trading cards, 3 journal entries, 1 safe, and 4 workbenches. Here's how you can find each collectible.

Section: Road to the Aquarium

Collectibles: Esquire Trading Card, Tormentra Trading Card, Garage Note Artifact, Journal Entry, Bookstore Note Artifact, Tanager Trading Card, Textile Note Artifact, Tatuaje Trading Card

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

Before you enter the theatre, the Esquire Trading Card is in the far left corner of the backstage area, near some tech equipment.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the Convention Centre, after you crawl under a pushed-over filing cabinet, you'll find a Workbench on the left. Opposite the workbench, you'll find the Tormentra Trading Card in the same room.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In a small swimming section, you'll find the Garage Note Artifact in the back left of a nearby parking garage, next to a corpse.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the Kingston Bookstore, you'll be able to make a Journal Entry by interacting with the mushrooms in the kids' area.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the same area, you'll find the Bookstore Note Artifact on a table opposite the mushrooms.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

On the bottom floor of the store, near the tills, you'll be able to get your hands on the Tanager Trading Card on a shelf in a small, crouch-through area.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After leaving the bookstore, you can find the Textile Note Artifact on the first floor of Rachel's Fabrics. In the ruined department store, you'll also find a Workbench located in the room behind where you walk up.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After dropping into a wrecked building, you can find the Tatuaje Trading Card by vaulting a small shelving unit and turning around.

Section: The Flooded City

Collectibles: Seff-L'Ho'Phad Trading Card, Journal Entry, Stash Note Artifact, Shambler Note Artifact, Encampment Note Artifact, Arcade Flyer Artifact, Khazakh Bright Trading, Arcade Note Artifact

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

While you're on the boat, after crossing two barbed wire fences, you'll find the Seff-L'Ho'Phad Trading Card in a drawer in the far-right corner of an open door on the right.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After you reach the first gate, you'll be able to make a Journal Entry by interacting with a hole in the wall overlooking the Ferris wheel.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

To the left of the journal entry, you'll find the Stash Note Artifact next to a corpse, providing the safe code (70-12-64). You can access the Safe by moving a cart, crawling through a hole, and jumping through a window.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After the next set of rapids, you can find a Workbench in a building with blue sheeting over the entrance. Inside the Carthy Hotel, you'll be able to find the Shambler Note Artifact next to a skeleton near an abandoned boat.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

Once you climb the monorail carriage near the Kingsgate Brewing Co., the Sniper's Note Artifact is found in a locked compartment.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In Bloom & Baer, the Encampment Note Artifact is stuck to the wall between a cabinet and a whiteboard.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the W&B Arcade, you can find the Arcade Flyer Artifact on a table in a booth. Upstairs in the arcade, a Workbench is located near the far wall.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After a big fight, you'll find the Khazakh Bright Trading after climbing over a counter.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the balcony area, you can find the Arcade Note Artifact taped to the wall in a LAN room.

Section: Infiltration

Collectibles: Journal Entry

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After being attacked by a dog, you'll be able to make a Journal Entry by rifling through a bag in the break room, prompting Ellie to doodle in her journal.

Check out our other guides on The Last of Us Part II Remastered below:

Joy Rahman

Editor, NoobFeed

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