The Last of Us Part II Remastered Guide | Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie)

This guide covers the collectibles found in Seattle Day 2 of The Last of Us Part II Remastered.

Game Guide by Joyramen on  Mar 15, 2025

This guide covers the collectibles found in Seattle Day 2 of The Last of Us Part II Remastered. The chapter contains a total of 46 collectibles, including 18 artifacts, 12 trading cards, 5 journal entries, 3 safes, 4 workbenches, 1 item, 1 weapon, and 2 training manuals. Below is a detailed breakdown of where you can find each collectible.

Section: Hillcrest

Collectible: the Wachumero Trading Card, Boris' Daughter's Drawing Artifact, Join WLF Note Artifact, Need a Plan Note Artifact, Sahir The Sorcerer Trading Card, Yolanda's Note Artifact, Journal Entry, Condolence Note Artifact, Naledi the Youthful Trading Card, Note in Hillcrest Tattoo Parlour Artifact, Precision Training Manual, Turn in Boris Note Artifact, Dale's Combo Artifact, Brainstorm Trading Card, Boris' Confession Artifact, Rosemont's Flyer Artifact, Reverb Trading Card

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

At the start of the chapter, you'll be able to find the Wachumero Trading Card by dropping into the ravine, jumping onto the back of a truck, and smashing the window to find the card on the backseat. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the basement of the first shop on the right, you'll spot the Boris' Daughter's Drawing Artifact on a small bench by a bed. In the same basement, a Workbench is available.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the laundromat on the left-hand side of the street, there's going to be a Join WLF Note Artifact on the desk in the backroom. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After seeing the WLF truck, you'll find the Need a Plan Note Artifact in the middle of the Caroline Paper Co. shop. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the same shop, you'll also find the Sahir The Sorcerer Trading Card in a box against the back wall.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the rare book shop, you'll find the Yolanda's Note Artifact on the counter near the till. Between the Used & Rare Books shop and Ruston Coffee, you can make a Journal Entry by interacting with a banner with orange graffiti.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After a large encounter area with dogs, a Workbench is found after climbing onto the roof. In the office ahead of the workbench, you can find the Condolence Note Artifact on the desk. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

Outside the office, you can find the Naledi the Youthful Trading Card in the spokes of a bike.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the tattoo shop, you'll see the Note in Hillcrest Tattoo Parlour Artifact on the desk in the office. Behind the tattoo parlor, there's a Safe in the Auto Garage, with the code 30-82-65, found in the bar kitchen. Inside the safe, you can get your hands on the Short Gun Holster.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the toy shop, you'll find the Precision Training Manual on the floor. In the pet shop, you'll spot the Turn in Boris Note Artifact on the right-hand side. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

Through the pet shop and bar, you can get your hands on the Dale's Combo Artifact, which is hanging in the bar's kitchen.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After crossing a small area with infected, you'll see the Brainstorm Trading Card in the playhouse outside. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

Inside the house, the Boris' Confession Artifact is on the coffee table in the lounge, and you'll also be able to find the Rosemont's Flyer Artifact on a thin table before the kitchen.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the garage, you'll be able to pick up the Bow after a fight with a zombie. In the large encounter area at the end of the chapter, you'll find the Reverb Trading Card under the bed in the front bedroom of the large house on the far left.

Section: Finding Strings

Collectible: Journal Entry, Austringer Trading Card, Tara's Invitation Artifact 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

At the start of the level, you'll be able to make a Journal Entry by interacting with the cliff-edge view. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After climbing onto the U-MOVE trailer, you'll find the Austringer Trading Card on the backseat nearest the water. In the room 107 of the hotel, you'll see Tara's Invitation Artifact on the dresser.

Section: The Seraphites 

Collectible: Randy Styles Trading Card, WLF Target List Artifact, Journal Entry, Last Letter to Husband Artifact, Shift Trading Card, Explosives Training Manual, WLF Deserter Memo Artifact, Evacuation Letter Artifact, Star Sign Trading Card, Arch-Enemy Trading Card, Doppelganger Trading Card, Dying Husband's Plea Artifact, Bhat M'Andarr Trading Card, Pharmacy Note Artifact, Hospital Supply List Artifact, 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After climbing the gate and entering the supermarket, you'll spot the Randy Styles Trading Card on the shelves nearest the till. 

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The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the Kingsgate Brewing Co., you'll be able to find the WLF Target List Artifact on one of the zombies inside. In the Conference Center, you can make a Journal Entry by interacting with the "Feel Her Love" graffiti.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

Upstairs in the Conference Center, you'll find the Last Letter to Husband Artifact in a locked conference room, accessed by smashing the glass and swinging onto the platform. In the same room, you'll find the Shift Trading Card.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the luxury apartments, there's a Workbench in the back of the apartment to the right. In the bedroom, you'll spot the Explosives Training Manual on the bed, and in the same room, you'll find the WLF Deserter Memo Artifact on the table with the TV. 

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The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the apartment on the left-hand side, you'll spot the Evacuation Letter Artifact on the table, and the Safe is in the bedroom wardrobe with the code 10-08-83. In the same bedroom, you'll find the Star Sign Trading Card in the bedside table.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

A story-related Journal Entry is made involving the hospital. In the Seattle Convention Center, you'll find the Arch-Enemy Trading Card in a drawer under the scaffolding. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

After crossing the park, you can make a Journal Entry by interacting with a dead guy at the bus stop.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the Gardenview apartments, you'll find the Doppelganger Trading Card on the first-floor interior balcony. In the second-floor apartment, the Dying Husband's Plea Artifact is by a corpse in the far-right corner.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In Weston's Pharmacy, the Bhat M'Andarr Trading Card is just inside the door, and the Pharmacy Note Artifact is behind the till, providing the safe code (38-55-23). The Safe is on the left-hand wall, and a Workbench is on the far wall. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay,  Seattle Day 2 Collectibles Locations (Ellie), NoobFeed

In the hospital, the Hospital Supply List Artifact is in the room opposite the first flight of stairs.

Check out our other guides on The Last of Us Part II Remastered below:

Joy Rahman

Editor, NoobFeed

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