The Last of Us Part II Remastered Guide | Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby)

Here's how you can locate all the collectibles in the Seattle Day 2 chapter for Abby in The Last of Us Part II Remastered.

Game Guide by Joyramen on  Mar 24, 2025

This guide covers the collectibles you can find in Abby's Seattle Day 2 chapter of The Last of Us Part II Remastered. The chapter contains a total of 29 collectibles, including 14 artifacts, 9 coins, 2 safes, 3 workbenches, and 1 weapon. 

Below is a detailed breakdown of where you'll be able to find each collectible.

Section: The Shortcut 

Collectibles: Amputation Supplies Artifact, Nevada Coin, Survivor Plea Artifact, Neighbour Exchange Artifact, Scavenging List Artifact, Colorado Coin, Seraphite Truce Artifact, Seraphite Orders Artifact.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

At the start of the chapter, you'll automatically get the Amputation Supplies Artifact, as it is a part of the story. When you're at Franklin's Barber Shop, you can find the Nevada Coin in the till. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Once you climb the stairs of the first abandoned building, you can find the Survivor Plea Artifact by the bedroom door. In the apartment near the highway, you'll find the Neighbour Exchange Artifact on a table, and the Safe in the bedroom has the code 30-23-04.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Near the rapids, you'll find the Scavenging List Artifact in a phone shop. When you are at Interbay, Workbench can be found on the left-hand wall. Across the road, you will find the Colorado Coin on the canopy of Westport Optix. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

After Lev jumps across girders, you'll be able to get your hands on the Seraphite Truce Artifact in the office on the right. In the room near the shrine, another Workbench is available. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

After you use the lift, you can find the Seraphite Orders Artifact attached to the archway.

Section: The Descent Collectibles

Collectibles: Illinois Coin, Gym Safe Combo Artifact, FEDRA Orders Artifact, the FEDRA Final Note Artifact, Oregon Coin, Wisconsin Coin, Rhode Island Coin, Missouri Coin.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

In the swimming pool, you'll find the Illinois Coin underwater at the deep end. In Orchards Juice Bar, you can get the Gym Safe Combo Artifact is in the kitchen, providing the safe code (12-18-79). You'll find the Safe in a storage cupboard near the gym. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

After you pass through the gym area, you'll be able to get your hands on the FEDRA Orders Artifact. After climbing down the fire hose, you'll find the FEDRA Final Note Artifact next to a dead officer.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

When you are descending the ruined building, you are going to be able to find the Flamethrower on a couch near Clickers. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Once you jump down a floor, you'll find the Oregon Coin is on a small ledge. In the elevator shaft area, you can find the Wisconsin Coin in the coin tray of a vending machine. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

At the Hotel Blacray, you are going to be able to find the Rhode Island Coin behind the bar. The hospital has the Missouri Coin in the specialty care center.

Section: Ground Zero Collectibles

Collectibles: Washington Coin, Annex Letter Artifact, Soldier's Letter Artifact, Chapel Note Artifact, Patient's Note Artifact, Doctor's Note Artifact, Hawaii Coin.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Whilst you're walking to Ground Zero with Nora, you'll be able to get your hands on the Washington Coin by the till in a coffee shop. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

After Nora leaves, you can find the Annex Letter Artifact by crawling through a small hole in the atrium. On the bottom floor, you'll find the Soldier's Letter Artifact in a skeleton's bag near the turnstile.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Once you're in the small chapel, the Chapel Note Artifact is on the altar.

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

In the ER, you'll be able to get your hands on the Patient's Note Artifact on the bed in suite 24. In surgery, you will be able to find the Doctor's Note Artifact in the last room on the left. 

The Last of US: Part II Remastered, PS5, Gameplay, Seattle Day 2 Collectible Locations (Abby), NoobFeed

Once the power is back on, a Workbench can be found in the back of the room. After a fight and lifting the shutter, you'll be able to get your hands on the Hawaii Coin in a small security station.

Check out our other guides on The Last of Us Part II Remastered below:

Joy Rahman

Editor, NoobFeed

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