Mysterious New Outer Worlds Teaser Appears
The official Outer Worlds website could be teasing a DLC release
News by TKras98 on Jul 22, 2020
Obsidian’s latest hit game, The Outer Worlds, has been floating around for a while now, but an update to the game’s website has led some to believe more is on the horizon. If you head over to, you’ll get the normal website, but with a small message that was not there before:
The message was accompanied by a Twitter post two days ago from The Outer Worlds’ account, which reads:
Greetings employees of Halcyon,
The Board is pleased to announce that we have been able to acquire a portion of The Outer Worlds website! Feel free to take an additional 5-minute break today to visit the website, you've earned it!
This small gimmick on the website might seem innocuous to some, but to others it is a clear indication that something more is coming to the Halcyon system. What exactly Obsidian has in store is unknown, but with the Xbox Showcase coming tomorrow, there likely isn’t much time left to wait. Obsidian became a part of Xbox Games Studios not that long ago, so despite Outer Worlds not being a Microsoft published title, it would make a lot of sense for their announcements to be interlinked.
Tyler Krasnai
Editor, NoobFeed
Subscriber, NoobFeed
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